Monday, December 28, 2009


Hi , 

Here is my first blog entry.First,I wanna write about myself.My name is Timi,I'm  a Hungarian girl,you know,I don't speak English very well.I hope if you read my entries,you leave a comment.

Today I woke up about 12 o'clock :d In the morning I know this day will be so boring. Mum arrived home,she brought some cookies *yum*I ate a lot :d Sis said I always eat a lot,that's true :p Yeah, I have an older sister,called Melinda *that's all about her, for now...*I played a lot with my puppy.She is a 9 month old Labrador retriever, her name is Bella. She is very cute. If I have time, I'll put a picture about my doggy. I can't wait the AFI concert. They'll come to AUSTRIA,NEXT TO HUNGARY! I can't believe it,geez.